Monday, March 24, 2014

Lesson 11 Reflection - Social Networking & SEO

Watch this video about using Social Media Marketing. Read Wikipedia’s summary on Social media marketing, and watch at least two of the Must Watch: 12 Awesome Social Media Tutorials that interest you most.
Twitter Search video - I need to watch that again and apply it.

Prepare for the discussion board by answering these two questions in today’s quiz:
  • List four social media sites that you can market your website on.
    • Twitter
    • Facebook
    • Google+
    • Linkedin
    • Instagram
    • Youtube
  • Choose one of these social media sites and list what steps you could take to market your website (be creative!). 
    • Youtube - I am going to start creating tutorial videos on youtube which should help not only drive traffic to my site, but also position me as an authority on the subject. I just have to signup for my youtube channel and start creating content. Then I will watch other videos on youtube and comment, which will help people learn about my video page.
Input your response in the question area by clicking “Start” below.
You have 6 minutes to complete it and will only be given one attempt.

Once you have submitted your response, answer the questions that have been posted in the “Introduction to Social Networking Discussion Board.” The discussion board will open Tuesday at 12:01 AM. 
How Does Social Media Affect Search Marketing?
Omniture / Adobe webcast on Facebook and Twitter marketing
How to Use LinkedIn: Using social networking to further your career

If I read nothing else, I think this article is a great 7 step process:
Write a minimum one-page essay that outlines your Social Media Optimization plan / goals in both the short term and long term. Also include in this essay how you are going to measures success.
To submit your assignment, click on the "Open" button at the bottom of the screen. Upload your report by clicking on the "Browse for File" button. 
Once you have submitted your response, answer the questions that have been posted in the “Social Media for SEO Discussion Board.” The discussion board will open Tuesday at 12:01 AM.  

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lesson 10 Reflection - Landing Pages & Website Optimizer & SEO

6 Great tips to Optimizing a landing page:

Landing Page Optimization and Website Optimizer
Basic SEO
View What is Search Engine Optimization/SEO, read Perfecting Keyword Targeting & On-Page Optimization (you don't need to read the comments), and then take a look at your website. List the five best things you can do to help your sites be optimized for search engines. Explain your reasoning.  
1. Make sure my page content is Uniquely valuable. Good content is king. Need to make sure the page is easy to understand.
2. Edit my Page Title to use primary keywords in it. This will be the title line on google search results.
3. The URL to each page should include the keyword that page is meant to promote. This makes sure that it also appear in links when coming from other sites.
4. My images are called by important keywords but not necessarily the actual keyword for that page, so I guess I need multiple versions of the same image, just with different names. I also need to have go back and add image alt attributes, a feature that I have just skipped but a great opportunity to fit in another keyword. 
5. Links between pages. I haven't yet built up links from outside websites but I can at least start creating internal links from one page to another. This will help improve link rankings. 
6. Add keywords to the meta description. This will make the keyword turn bold in the search result helping entice people to click on the result. 

Algorithm Ingredients
Words Matter
Titles Matter
Links Matter
Words in Links

For three of your web pages, list at least one keyword that you want to optimize that page for and explain why you chose those words.

1. 7 Must Have Products page. I want to optimize it for the keyword "wheatgrass fertilizer". I need to first do some research about that keyword but I think it could be a profitable way to go.
2. Benefits of Wheatgrass page. I would want to optimize this page for the key word "wheatgrass benefits" There are a lot of people out there who want to investigate the benefits before getting into wheatgrass, so if i can drive more traffic to that page, I could become a trusted source on the subject, encouraging people to then purchase products from my site.
3. How to Wheatgrass. I need to optimize this site for the key word "wheatgrass growing". This is my highest performing keyword in my Adwords campaign. If I can optimize the site to drive organic traffic to the page, then I will end up spending less on clicks.

Choosing how to optimize

One important takeaway from this post should be that modern on-page SEO is about juggling competing priorities. In general, my recommended ordering of those priorities is as follows:
  1. Create a page that is uniquely valuable to your targeted searchers.
  2. If at all possible, make the page likely to earn links and shares naturally (without needing to build links or prod people).
  3. Balance keyword targeting with usability and user experience, but never ignore the critical elements like page titles, headlines, and body content at the least.
  4. see his example of the perfectly optimized page:

Use Backlinks Checker Tool — Backlink Watch to determine how many inlinks your site has.
Input your response in the question area by clicking “Start” below.
Once you have submitted your response, answer the questions that have been posted in the “Basic SEO Discussion Board.” The discussion board will open Wednesday at 12:01 AM. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Lesson 9 Reflection - ROI & Conversion Tracking & OPTIMIZING AD PERFORMANCE

This week has been busy but I think this lesson is a game changer. The things learned in this lesson should be continually reviewed to help continually improve my campaign. It will never be perfect, it is a continual process.

These links from the weeks preparation work and even the preparation questions were really helpful:
Read: Measuring your profitsReturn on InvestmentMeasuring Sales and Conversions, andSetting Up Conversion Tracking. (Be sure to expand each item in the list and read them too. You can skip the “Set up on dynamically-generated webpages” info.) You will be asked to do the following:
  • Identify at least one conversion for your website.
  • Determine the value of the conversion. Be sure to show how you determined the value including any assumptions you had to make.
  • Obtain the code snippet that you will place on the conversion page.
  • Determine which page is your conversion page. 
Place the code snippet on your conversion page if possible or know why you can’t and determine a next best alternative.  

The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to further improve your AdWords performance. This lesson also gets you started on Project #6. Please save your submission so you can reference it for Project #6.
Step 1: Record Your Current Performance
1.1 Go to Google AdWords
1.2 Answer the following questions about your best-performing campaign
  • When did you start the campaign?
  • How many clicks has it had?
  • How many impressions has it had?
  • What is the average Cost per Click (CPC)?
  • What is the average ad position?
  • What is the conversion rate? (e.g., how many conversions have you received using Conversion Tracking OR how many transactions have you had?)
Step 2: Identify Changes for Keywords and Ads

2.1 Read the following sections in:
Improve You Keywords
Use Negative Keywords to
Eliminate Unwanted Clicks
Avoid Using Overly Generic
Use Appropriate Keyword
Matching Options to Control
Who See Your Ads:
Expand Your Keyword List to
Gain More Traffic
Read Improve Your Ads
2.1 Read the following sections in: Improve Your Keywords
  • Use Negative Keywords to Eliminate Unwanted Clicks
  • Avoid Using Overly Generic Keywords
  • Use Appropriate Keyword Matching Options to ControlWho See Your Ads:
  • Expand Your Keyword List to Gain More Traffic
Read Improve Your Ads

2.2 Identify changes you can make in the following areas to improve campaign performance:
  • What Keywords do you want to add, delete, or pause? Why?
  • What Ads do you want to add, delete, or pause? Why?
2.3 Input your response to these questions by clicking “Start” below.
Step 3: Within the next week (this will help you finish project #6)
  • Stop you campaign (record this date for project #6)
  • Make the changes you suggest in Step 2 (document these changes for project #6)
  • Restart your campaign (record this date for project #6)
Input your response in the question area by clicking “Start” below.
You have 6 minutes to complete it and will only be given one attempt.
Once you submit your response, answer the questions posted in the “Optimizing Ad Performance Discussion Board.” The discussion board will open Monday at 12:01 AM. 
Videos and Readings:

Friday, March 7, 2014

Lesson 8 Reflection - Relevance /\ Quality Score /\ Analytics

Questions Answered:

Match type matters. Exactly matching what they search for gets you a bonus. So you need to have three versions of every keyword in your ad campaign (don't use broad match, gives google too much freedom):

Modified Broad: +wheatgreass +smoothie

Phrase??: "wheatgrass smoothie"

Exact??: [wheatgress smoothie]

To get source keyword list:
Ad Campaign > Keywords > Details >SearchTerms ALL

download and print list, then highlight the ones you don't want and go add them to the campaigns negative key words.

Don't let keywords compete from one adgroup to the next. Make sure adgroups are very specifice so their wouldn't need to be any overlapping keywords.

two different match types of the same word are actually looked at as different keywords.

Display network (done using Adsense): As a site owner, I offer a set amount of space for google to put whatever they want in it to advertise. This content will reflect my sites content.
Need about 20k monthly visitors to make it worth while.

Google Remarketing - this is the cookies deal that I search for a kids book on amazon then every other site i ever go to advertises that kids book to me.

Enabled Ad Group at 5:15 PM on Saturday March 1, 2014

Split Testing - incredibly difficult
Google: Google Analytics Experiments
Click on: Content experiment - google help

Conversion Tracking, next week

Quality Score --- This is going to be important. List of ways to improve it!!!
Advanced Preparation:

  • Run through end of lesson 12 April 4th Last day to run it.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lesson 7 Reflection - Ads & Ad Groups

Ads & Ad Groups

Standard Text Ad consists of:
web address

Keywords in the Title or Headline appear in BOLD

The different types of ads:
Text ads, 
Dynamic Search Ads, 
Product Listing Ads, 
specialized-searched ads, 
WAP mobile ads, 
and ads that can run only on the Display Network

Successful Ad Tips:
Highlight what makes your business, product, or offer unique
Include prices, promotions, and exclusives
Tell your customers what they can do
Include at least one of your keywords in your ad text
Match your ad to your landing page
Appeal to customers viewing your ad on a mobile device
Experiment - at least 4 ads per group
Capitalize the first letter of each word in the title of your ad

Be relevant
Be Specific
Include a call to action.

Use Keyword insertion
{keyword:default text}

Ad Group
Ads & Keywords

A common method for organizing an AdWords account is to organize it the way your website is structured, with each ad group representing a different page or category on your site.
  • Many accounts are best organized by creating one campaign with several ad groups, two or three ads, and 10-35 keywords within each ad group.

Readings and Videos:
Google AdWords Intensive <---- Bro Poole

Finding your first Ads. Making sure they are running properly:

Questions for Poole:
I'd like to see the different websites everyone in the class has come up with. Could we have a discussion board where every lists their URL?

How to turn off Display on mobile devices. "Device preference" setting to "mobile"

Search vs Display Network ads?
+CAMPAIGN v button - 5 different campaign options.

To Stretch our money in this learning experience, do you recommend multiple campaigns, or just one...?

Default Max. CPC = auto: $0.01 answer: not enough info. Will update once I start running my campaign.

Lessons from Office Hours:

Need to setup AUTOMATIC RULES to ensure we don't get charged more than we are prepared to spend.

If I was to manage multiple accounts, you can ask for an Agency Account.

Look into google's desktop tool for adwords.

Google match type for examples (check this to make sure I'm right):
"wheatgrass" phrase match - exact somewhere in the phrase
[wheatgrass]  exact match - nothing more or less
wheatgrass  Broad Match - anything that is even remotely related DONT USE except at first to get ideas
+wheatgrass Broad Match Modifier -contains the modified term or close variations but not synonyms in any order

-kits negative key word - searches without the term

MAKE SURE...Only use ONE search term per ad group. else google will shut down your account.
Download them to excel, sort and highlight duplicate values.

Google Support: